What if your goal in life was to feel good?
Dec 03, 2024
I've been running into a lot of you beautiful human's lately, I love it. It makes my heart smile a little wider every time I see one of you in person.
I've also been hearing, "I'm coming back to yoga, I am just so busy. This time of the year is crazy. I'm so exhausted when I get home I don't want to leave the house again."
I hear this a lot!
I never want you to feel guilty when I see you, instead, think of it as a synchronicity and a gentle reminder that you should be prioritising your time to take some extra care of yourself during this busy season.
I truly believe that when we come face to face with people and these sorts of conversations happen, they are our mirrors of what you already know and should be doing. There is no such thing as a coincidence. It is a reflection of what you know, but maybe subconsciously choose to ignore.
This time of the year is exhausting. You are most likely over working to meet deadlines or working overtime so you can take some much needed time off. The social calendar is full with Christmas parties, maybe your exercising harder to work off the social activities. Then, likely scrolling more to "help" you tune out because you are so exhausted you can't do anything else? I must note, none of these things are "bad". Some days we just have to do what we do.
I had a beautiful exchange with a friend this past weekend who was coming to my classes this year. We had this same conversation I've been having a lot, but she added this gem; "I've never regretted coming to class, because I always finished feeling great afterwards."
We talked a lot about how this time of the year is exhausting and when you get home you don't want to leave.
Honestly, I resonated so much with this. Because I too used to do all those things. I would find myself burnt out, so exhausted I would make every excuse under the sun to be lazy because I had no energy to do anything else. I would talk myself out of doing things that actually made me feel good, because it was easy and didn't take a lot of effort. Deep down I'd feel so guilty, because I knew better, but didn't have the capacity to DO better. The guilt and shame cycle would then be in full swing, and the not so great behaviours would creep in. Often drinking and eating in excess to help me "feel" less, and feeding into that guilt and shame narrative.
When in this state of exhaustion, I'd often find myself faced with someone who reminded me of what I should be doing, I'd walk away always happy to see them, but this guilt and shame narrative would cycle again. Not because of what they said, but because they've reminded me of the choices I'd been making. I wasn't taking care of myself well, I was essentially only letting myself down. I've made every excuse under the sun when in this state of exhaustion to talk myself out of doing more of what made me feel good, because making excuses for our poor behaviour was easier. We are human, and it's so normal for us to take the easy route, even more so when we are exhausted.
Taking care of ourselves takes effort. More so when you've given everything, all your energy to everyone else. We are conditioned to work hard, play hard, hustle hard, be successful because failure isn't an option, because failure makes us feel bad. We give so much to everything else, that we forget to give to ourselves too.
This time of the year is hectic, we are likely burnt out, over stimulated and over worked. It's much easier to throw yourself on the couch, or take an hour to sit and scroll. I'm not saying that we shouldn't do this, rest is important, but if you really think about it, do you feel better for it after? Sometimes yes, because it's what you needed at the time.
We spend so much of our lives giving away our energy. Especially this time of the year. But what are we doing to restore that energy? We continue to give and give to everything else, but we don't stop to replenish our own energy levels, except for the occasional couch drop'n'scroll and sleep.
Do you go away on holiday's, the one that you have worked so hard for all year, only to find yourself sleeping, and maybe even sick for most of it?
This year, is the first year as an adult where I haven't burnt myself out (I know the year isn't over yet) It's taken 20+ years to get here. This is what I've done; I've listened to my body, I've actually taken my own advice (and that of others that resonate). I've used all my tools in my tool box, and I've prioritised my physical, emotional and spiritual needs. I have filled my own cup by doing more of the things that make me feel good and make me happy.
Isn't that the real goal in life, to be happy, and to feel good? I spent most of my life not feeling great, living in autopilot and trying to keep up to the expectations of others. Don't get me wrong, I have had an amazing life and amazing times. I wouldn't be me today if it wasn't for EVERY experience. And I am so grateful for all of them.
My reality was, I was living my life in a dysregulated state. Until I was able to regulate my nervous system, only then did I have the capacity to actually put all my tools into action. Only then, could I actually DO better. I always knew, but couldn't DO.
Yoga was my answer, yoga was my liberation from dysregulation. Yoga has been my freedom and Peace both physically and emotionally. I can only speak from my own personal experiences and teachings. Yoga is more than the physical postures. Yoga is taking a deep breath when we need it, yoga is having the capacity to see and try things differently. Yoga is the light in the darkness.
Practicing any form of nervous system regulation can be a way to restore your energy levels, not deplete them. As my beautiful friend said, "I've never regretted actually going to a yoga class because of how good I feel afterwards."
This is not a Blog to sell myself and my classes, this is me sharing a story that maybe you will resonate with, and to help you see that you and your needs matter!!
Effort pays off, this may seem so simple and silly to some, sometimes the simplest things can be the hardest.
If you are feeling exhausted, you are not alone. This time of the year is hard and effort is hard work, I assure you that being the best version of you is worth the effort. If your reading this, this is your sign that you should be doing more of the things that make you feel good, and less of the things that are depleting you, and maybe that is trying a yoga class to help you feel rested, restored and replenished.
Effort could look like taking your clothes to work with you so you can get to the gym/class earlier, change at the gym/class and take that time to sit, chat, connect, lay down, instead of going home and being tempted to drop and scroll. Effort could mean cooking a little extra at night so you can take left overs to work so you aren't tempted to eat take out. Effort could look like picking up a book instead of picking up your phone. Effort could mean going for a walk, even if it's raining (can report, that walking in the rain is AMAZING).
You will speak to yourself more than you will any other human being in your life time. You words, your internal words, hold power. Your brain will let you fall into the narrative of excuses because it's easy (normal). Speak kind words, tell yourself you matter and that you deserve to feel good. Then do more of what makes you feel good, I promise you will never regret feeling good.
Feeling good is always the goal!
Feel good so you can enjoy your holidays that you've worked so hard for because you deserve to feel good, you worked hard for your holidays. Life is too short to be making excuses and feeding your ego full of bullshit that isn't your truth. Life is too short to feel like shit and depleted of energy.
Feeling good is a big life goal. You are the story you tell yourself and your words have power.
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